
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Youtube, Video, Ranking and SEO - a three month experiment for strategies on youtube Part III

What are the most important facts for a good ranking on youtube part1?

More than two weeks I read a lot of blogs, articles and information about a good ranking on youtube.
The informations are very different. Some authors write this is important, other poeple say other facts are important. I read and watched a lot of youtube in the "Youtube creators playbook", Youtube Creator Academy" and so on...

Ok let's start with the facts:


facts for ranking on youtube

- title tag relevance of the video
- total video likes
- views
- how long your video is viewed per view
- channel views
- the number of subscribers
- how long the channel already exists
- percentage of likes to views
- total channel views

what should you do?

1. The most important fact is a high quality video with an interesting content
(I think this not a new knowledge to everyone)
- use HD quality min.
2. Title of the video file that you upload
before you upload a video, you should give the video file a good name with a description of your video content and the most important keywords - so Youtube knows from the begin the content of the video and category, so the video can better listed by the content
3. Title in youtube
the title on the video site is one of the most important facts, use only a description and keywords about the content of the video.
4. The description
Youtube says that the first sentences the most important are, cause this is the visible part of the description in the search request. But try to find out the countries where your videos was watched and try to translate the description in the most important languages.
5. keywords, metatags
This arent't very important, but every part seems to be important enough for Youtube. So try to find good keywords. Use google and youtube search...look at the autocomplete words for keywords...

These are the first steps... 

in the next part will tell you more what you can do and take a look what my experiment do

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