
Tuesday, June 16, 2015



The last few weeks I was very busy. So I didn't write the blog and didn't make new tracks on Youtube. And it's a shame but I had not have time for the experiment on youtube too. But the tracks have a lot views and any good ratings.

Yesterday I reached the 1.000.000 views on my main channel. What a great feeling...

I started a new music project in my rare free time. It's called 4track. I selected two online market places for this projects - audiojungle (the audio market place of envato) and pond5.There I make some backing tracks, logos and idents for videos, advertise and other multi media projects. So I make music and earn a little money. But the start is really difficult. A lot of good composers and producers are there. But I think I give it a try.

My profile on audiojungle:     4_track
My profile on pond5:             four_track

Have a nice day
